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Plannuh's marketing plan template

Never too late to create your marketing plan for 2022!

Here is the Marketing Plan Template, an online for your marketing plan that provides a comprehensive guide to help you build your marketing plan. It contains all the fundamental plan elements, definitions for a better understanding of the elements, and examples to help stimulate ideas. This easy, editable PowerPoint presentation contains your answers, the framework, and best practices to take with you..

Get Marketing Back Into 
The Boardroom!

Prove And Present 
Marketing's Added Value!

Show What Results Marketing 
Investments Generate!

Michiel van de Watering

Michiel started his company 'Accountable Marketing BV' back in 2004 as he wanted increase the status of Marketers - no matter what their exact function title is. Through his experiences Michiel has found out that successful marketing organizations have one thing in common: they track, measure and report on all marketing campaign results. By doing this Michiel has sometimes saved budgets, that would have been wasted, and he has increased revenue by re-allocate budget to the most profitable campaigns.
Now he has put everything together in this course to assist Marketers in getting the best return out of their strategies and campaigns.

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Join us now, and ensure a better future both for your organization and for the so called 'market getting' colleagues. Unlock the added value of Marketing!
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