How To Increase Your Marketing ROI While Spending Less Budget.
The effective marketing method for your way of working to increase effectiveness!
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Short introduction video of the Pre-Post
Marketing ROI course
Marketing ROI course
Here is an outline of out latest course to understand and deploy your Pre-Post Marketing ROI Process to support your way of working and effectiveness..
Analysis Pre/Post Marketing ROI app
Contents of the 'Pre/Post Marketing ROI' Course
Module / Subject
- How Marketing Accountability has become so important?
- Improve your processes with The Accountable Marketing Cycle
- Understand the similarities for B2C, B2B, ATL and BTL
- How to set your hurdle rate for Return On Marketing Investments?
- Which Pre and Post ROI information do you need?
- What insights can you get from estimated and actual results?
- Create your own Pre Post ROI analysis
In week 3 and 7 we offer an online group coaching meeting to exchange experiences and learn from each member's insights.
Part of this course is the use of a complimentary online Pre/Post ROI analysis app as shown on this image.
Meet the instructor
Michiel van de Watering
Michiel started his company 'Accountable Marketing BV' back in 2004 as he wanted increase the status of Marketers - no matter what their exact function title is. Through his experiences Michiel has found out that successful marketing organizations have one thing in common: they track, measure and report on all marketing campaign results. By doing this Michiel has sometimes saved budgets, that would have been wasted, and he has increased revenue by re-allocate budget to the most profitable campaigns.
Now he has put everything together in this course to assist Marketers in getting the best return out of their strategies and campaigns.
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Convince your CFO that your marketing ROi meets or exceeds the hurdle rate
May be this app is a bit too much and too overwhelming, it is just for you to play with and see how this might help your organization to increase marketing effectiveness.
The app consists of the following 'tabs':
- Budgets and costs, where you can enter the costs of your campaign when you design it (Pre ROI) and once you have ran the campaign (Post ROI)
- Pre ROI, here you enter the conversion % you foresee in every step of your funnel - the numbers are calculated
- Post ROI, enter the real numbers that you have measured - the percentages are calculated
- PrePost analysis, is showing you the differences between the Pre and Post ROI
- Fields explained, telling you what is meant with all the fields in the separate tabs
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